BostonMS started helping people in need since May 2020.
The following is the amount we have received by December 2020.
Help Malaysia Campaign (to Pastor Chelhyun Park, Malaysia): $3,591.52
Low-income Student Meal Support Campaign (to Brookline Food Pantry): $503.46
COVID-19 Campaign (to Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston): $798.51
Birthday event (to Pastor Chelhyun Park, Malaysia ): $402.70
Total: $5,296.19
500 face masks donation (to a representative of Haitian churches of MA)
We're going to issue a Newsletter once a month to announce our donations and future plans.
Student Fundraiser Show
On November 13-15th, 2020, Studio Noma(Brookline, MA) held a student fundraiser art show where they displayed student’s artwork and sold art prints of those works to people. This event was to show how students worked hard to create many amazing art pieces and to give back to the community. The in-person visit was allowed for three days, and a virtual gallery and online donation were held until November 22. People could buy the art print both online and offline. About 15 students participated in the art show and raised $3,060. 100% of the profit was donated to both ‘Cradles to Crayons’ and us, BostonMS. As one of the students who participated in the show, I was thrilled to be part of an event that took part in helping others during these troubling times. It was great to see people liking my artwork. As a member of BostonMS, I participated in several events to help others but I was able to experience and engage more in this event than I ever did before. For this event, I had to clean up the place, set up the artworks, be a host and answer questions, explain how to donate. I realized that the more I'm involved, the more I feel enthusiastic about helping people; I hope that people reading this article could feel the same. There might not be some big event to participate but a simple donation can help a lot of people too. In BostonMS, you can help indigenous people and refugee children in Malaysia, and provide front-liners with medical equipment by giving a small donation. We also get face mask donations for people who can't protect themselves from the Coronavirus. I hope more people can experience and learn valuable lessons as I did through the fundraiser event.

Mask and Sock Donation
On December 19, 2020, members of BostonMS gathered at the Korean Church of Boston (Brookline, MA) and packed about 400 masks and 600 socks. The Korean Church of Boston lent a room for our members to package the gifts while keeping social distance.

It took about three months to gather all of these masks and socks since some of them were shipped from South Korea. Packages were handed over to Pastor Richard Piette, one of the Massachusetts Church Representatives. Pastor Richard has been helping refugees and undocumented people at Ministerios Cristo El Rey (Boston, MA).

Ministerious Cristo El Rey is a place where ministers serve many undocumented Spanish-speaking Christians and people who don't have access to banks. Due to Covid-19, they are facing a hard time trying to find a job or even protect themselves from the virus. Many of them are afraid of government assistance and can't access benefits due to their status.
The masks and socks were delivered to those in need of financial support and basic necessities.
Pastor Richard gave special thanks to the donors for donating masks and socks to BostonMS
We thank all of the donors who donated socks and masks for people in need and for those who have supported us during this project.