The water project team digs wells to provide healthy water and give hope
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“We shall not defeat any of the infectious diseases that plague the developing world until we have won the battle for safe drinking water, sanitation, and basic health care.” - Kofi Annan (Former secretary general of the United Nations)

What We Did

In Malaysia, many do not have access to safe, clean water.
The current situation is more dire than before. Because of the COVID epidemic, many died in the villages, and the Water Project was largely pushed to the side, and the construction of wells was paused alongside it. It is of greatest urgency to raise funds and erect wells.
Park Chul-hyun started the Water Project nine years ago to build wells for the residents.
With the government not providing the much-needed support for the rural communities, missionary Park Chul-hyun started the Water Project nine years ago to build wells for the residents. In 2006, BostonMS, the nonprofit arm of MS Education, started sponsoring Park and marked the beginning of a hopeful collaboration for Malaysia’s water availability.
With the wells created, residents have been able to have safe access to clean drinking water, and as a result improve their quality of life.
Access to clean water is a catalyst for multifaceted improvements, fostering enhanced health, agricultural prosperity, and overall community development.
Clean water not only prevents infections and diseases, fostering improved health, but also fuels agricultural productivity and enhances the quality of life. Women and children, also benefits from easy access to clean water, experiencing a transformative impact on their lives, with saved time translating into increased opportunities for education and other productive activities

우리는 손끝만 까딱하면 깨끗하고 맑은 물을 얻을 수 있습니다. 그러나, 말레이시아를 포함한 대부분의 지역에서는 그렇지 않습니다. 말레이시아는 현재 물 부족 위기를 겪고 있습니다. 그들의 수원지인 강, 호수, 저수지들은 도시화, 산업화, 농작 등으로 인해 심하게 오염되었고, 이것은 지역사회에 깨끗한 물을 공급하기 어렵게 만들고 있습니다.
예일대학교에서 시행한 각 국가에서 국민 건강을 위해 더러운 식수와 위생상태로 부터 국민을 보호하는 점수를 측정하는 연구에서 연구에서, 말레이시아는 100점 만점에 57.6점을 받았습니다. 그에 반해, 영국, 한국, 미국은 각각 100, 90.7, 86.1점을 받았습니다. 오늘 후원을 해주심으로써, 깨끗한 물을 공급하기 위해 노력중인 전세계의 여러 사람들 중 하나가 되세요!